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 (关键词:有限公司 进出口 温州 网络 外贸 公司 服务 客户 体系)


  温州盈瑞进出口有限公司是国家外经贸委批准的具有自营进出口权的外贸公司,公司主要经营各类箱包革、沙发革、鞋革、服装革、家具、汽车内饰等系列的产品及原料进出口贸易。 盈瑞顺应广泛的商品信息网络趋势,本着“创造最优质的服务”的经营理念,凭借雄厚的经济基础,强大的关系网络,完备的技术和人员配置,为商家精心打造了门到门的一站式服务,为客户解决售前售后的各种问题。公司拥有精通外贸业务,熟悉外贸惯例,操作能力强的专业型骨干团队;完善的进出口服务系统及货物质量保证体系;密切空运、航运公司合作关系和强大的物流网络;良好的售后服务体系。能为海外客户开拓中国市场寻找货源,验收货物,报关完税、代买保险、路线推荐,代理订仓,解除进出口的一切后顾之忧。我们致力于为客户提供专业化、个性化、全天候、全方位的服务。 我们的宗旨是:“用真诚与专业来换取你的信任与支持,互惠互利,共创双赢!” 盈瑞竭诚欢迎国内外朋友广泛多样的交流合作和贸易洽谈。 Wenzhou Inrich Imp.&Exp. Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive international trade company, enjoying the Imp. & Exp. rights authorized by the state economic and trade committee. Our business scopes invlove PU & PVC artifical leather for bags, sofa, shoes, garmernts, furniture, auto decoration, ball,ect.. Our company conforms to the tendency of marketing informationization, takes “provide best service”as our business philosophy. We have solid economic basis, strong relation net and perfect technicians and personnel, and can help customers to solve any problems during international trade. Our specialty teams master foreign trade business, familiar with general international practice and have great capabilities in manipulation. We also have consummate in import and export service system and quality control system and good after service. Meanwhile, we established good relationship with Air Express and Ship Company who can provide good distribution and delivery service. Our service involves helping customers to find goods supply, check and accept merchandise, apply to customs, arrange warehouse and delivery, etc. We are trying our best to offer the service which is specialized, individuation, round-the-clock, all-weather and all-direction. Our tenet is:” our sincere and specialization exchange your trust and the support, mutual benefit and double wins!” Inrich welcomes friends both from home and abroad conduct extensive exchanges and co-operation.


  地  址: 新城大自然家园三期2C-702

  邮  编: 325000

  联 系 人: 苏慧琼

  联系电话: 0577-88952239

  联系传真: 0577-88952216

  电子邮件: Jane@in-rich.com

  手  机: 13567782773

  网  址: http://www.in-rich.com.cn



来源:生意旺铺 责任编辑:张淑兰   

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